Thursday, March 18, 2010

Should people believe in numerology ?

There are so many future telling (present and past too ) methods and Palmistry, Numerology, Special card readings,Astrology etc etc are there.

These are really genuine ways and there are people who are experts in these sciences (if you do not object the word) who are capable of telling excellently and accurately.

But there are many in every field who are incompetent and bring disrepute to these soothsaying methods.

Gems Stones

Ruby :

If you are born in the stars – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttrashada – which are ruled by Sun you have to wear this stone.

It is red in colour. As symbol of health and vitality, it has special curative powers for blood diseases, cleansing the liver and blood. It acts against psychic attacks and loss or damage to property. It helps to promote disinterested love, perfectly acting on the unconscious level for loving communication. It promotes the functions of nerves and muscles, helps in diminishing stress and rids off stomach acidity.


If you are born in the stars – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttrashada – which are ruled by Sun you have to wear this stone.

It is red in colour. As symbol of health and vitality, it has special curative powers for blood diseases, cleansing the liver and blood. It acts against psychic attacks and loss or damage to property. It helps to promote disinterested love, perfectly acting on the unconscious level for loving communication. It promotes the functions of nerves and muscles, helps in diminishing stress and rids off stomach acidity.

Yellow Sapphire:

If you are born in the stars – Punarvasu, Visakha, Purvashada – which are ruled by Jupiter you have to wear this stone.

It is yellow in colour. It gives balanced mindset, balances and maintains harmony between inner and outer input, manages and executes complex systems and enlivens activity in the brain while guiding action. It gives knowledge and organizing power. It is good for controlling the malefic influence of Mars where ailments of the liver are concerned. It is very helpful in pregnancy or childbirth. It gives business or financial stability. It also makes you spiritually aware.

Prerequisites for name change

Pandit Sethuraman clearly states in "Adhista Vingyanam" that only he who knows palmistry, astrology and face reading (kai rekha sastram, jyotisam, samudrika lakshanam) will be able to grasp the subtleties of numerology. Without the knowledge of these allied sciences, you cannot become a good numerologist.

Secondly, changing the name of a person will alter the karmic field of the person and have a direct bearing on the final karmic destiny of the individual. Fiddling with cosmic energy is fraught with serious consequences and if the numerologist (who suggests the name change) doesn't have Divine Grace (daiva anugraham) then he will be unable to repel the retaliatory karmic wave, leading to unimaginable problems in his own life.

Compound Numbers

Compound numbers are arrived at by adding the digits that make up the Name. The compound number then "represents" the impact of the name on the individual's life and destiny. The numbers from 1 to 9 are single numbers. The numbers 10 onward are compound numbers. The meanings are obtained/adapted from "Cheiro's Book of Numbers" by Cheiro (Count Louis Hamon).

10 : "The Wheel of Fortune"; 10 is a number of honour, faith, self -confidence and of rise and fall of fortunes (since it is a wheel that turns).

11 : "The Muzzled Lion"; it is a mysterious number in occultism. It warns of hidden dangers, trials, tribulations and treachery from others. The person representing it will have great difficulties to contend with.

12 : "The Hanged Man"; it portends martyrdom and suffering and being sacrificed for the plans of others

13: "The Reaper"; a skeleton scything down upon a field. It is a number denoting upheaval and change. In occultism, it is considered a favorable number for "He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion". If wrongly used, the number will wreak destruction on itself. It is a warning of the unknown.

14: "The Winged Angel"; it is a number of movement and combination of people, revolution, temperance and trials and dangers from natural forces. While it is fortunate for dealings with money, speculation and changes in business, there is a strong element of risk and danger. On the whole, it is not considered a very fortunate number.

15: "The Devil"; "Dweller of the Threshold", a man stuck between virtue and vice. 15 is a number that represents the dark side of magic, and the person represented by it will use every art of magic to suit and carry out their purpose. If associated with strong harmonious numbers it can be very lucky and dynamic, but if associated with a peculiar number like 4 or 8, the person it represents will be very unscrupulous. It confers a beautiful form, voluptuousness, weakness in matters of the flesh but it is the eloquence, arresting personality and strong personal magnetism which is used to gain material advantage - obtaining gifts, favours and money from others. (Shukra Dosha)

16: "The Shattered Citadel" or "The Lightning-struck Tower"; it is depicted by a two men falling headlong to the ground, one of them wearing a crown, as a bolt of lightning strikes the tower. 16 is not a fortunate number - it denotes speedy progress and an equally speedy fall. A shining example of this number is the country JAPAN (16). During WW II Japan made rapid strides in conquering new lands and the Mikado was considered invincible (the rapid rise part). But once the US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan was humbled and the Emperor's invincible aura vaporized. Therefore, 16 is a number of weakness and subversion, accidents and catastrophes, defeat and danger.

17: "The Star of the Magi"; this is a number that promises fortune provided the person is willing to work hard. In the beginning there will be many failures and disappointments. But perseverance, determination and sheer doggedness will help the person amass fortune. It is a number that promises immortality and the name lives on for its achievements.

18: This is an explosive number where materialism completely destroys the spiritual nature of man. It makes the person selfish and willing to use every trick to achieve their motives. It is a destructive number and causes family feuds, strife, explosions and wars. A notable and even pertinent example is Bombay (17) which became Mumbai (18); one can see for oneself what name changes without proper thinking can do. Another example is Srinagar (18). Bomb blasts are common in both these places and the grace of God is absent.

19: "The Sun"; a very fortunate number promising status and position in life. Just as the Sun increases in its brightness as it moves towards the azimuth, so too these people will have ever-increasing fame as they move towards the pinnacle of success. People born under the influence of 1, 4 or 8 alone can benefit maximally from name number 19. The ancient Egyptians called this number "The Ideal Lover" because it promises fulfilment in l'affaires de coeur.

Number 1 series

Pandit Sethuraman ascribes royal qualities to the number 1. Number 1 people tend to be honest, principled and have a high self-respect. They are possessed of great leadership abilities, strong oratorical skills and command respect from their colleagues for their sense of justice and fairplay. The Sun is the king of the heavens and thus these people have kingly qualities and a regal bearing. If the influence of the Sun is negative, they tend to be vain and dishonest.

The best name numbers in the 1 series are: 19, 37, 46, 55 and 73.

The number 5 series

Late Shri Pandit Sethuraman was one of the finest exponents of the sublime science of Numerology. He speaks very highly of the number 5 (five), and lists some of the numbers under 5 as lucky - 23, 32, 41 - getting pride of place.

Of these, 32 is an interesting number. It gives success in cycles. Pandit Sethuraman talks of the great Raja Vickram Aadityah, in whose life the number 32 recurred in many events.

23 is the most fortunate and extremely important if it appears in the forecasting of events. Cheiro refers to it as the "Royal Star of the Lion". It works to its full potential only if the person has a go-getting attitude. It is a number of valour and bravery; a number that truly depicts "fortune favours the brave".

Pandit Sethuraman says that natives of name number 41 will achieve success and command people. This causes them to overestimate their own abilities and they start getting too far ahead of themselves, and this ends up in failure. They should guard against over-confidence.

Name No: 51

The number 51 is called "The Royal Star of the Waterman" and is one of the four Royal Stars in Numerology. The others are 23, 37 and 65.

51 is one of the most powerful numbers of the 6 series. Pandit Sethuraman opines that those whose names vibrate to this powerful number start from a humble origin* and advance to unimaginable heights. Ideas will flash like lightning and there will be an abundance of energy in both body and mind. Such people are able to work for very long hours, get less sleep but speedily progress to their goals. It is a very fortunate number.

Lucky for 5 born

Lucky Colour :GREEN

Lucky Stone: EMERALD

Lucky Days of the Week :WEDNESDAY

Lucky Date :14 5 23

Lucky Month:  MAY

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Various important name numbers

Name number 19

19 is the most fortunate and favourable number that assures success in all activities. This number assures victory over all disappointments. People whose name number sums up to 19 will experience gradual growth. As they grow old they will become more and more respectable. They will certainly enjoy the benefits of money, position, popularity and success. Even their married life and life partners are good. They will enjoy great popularity and fame in life.

Name number 37

This number indicates great emphasis on love, romance, happiness and success. People having this name number will have mass attraction. They will advance in business and profession. This number will give unexpected success. Happiness and success are more easily attained when in partnerships with another than when operating alone as a single individual.

Name number 46

These people having named number 46 can be referred as kings of success. These people will certainly reach to heights in their career. Money, fame and power will keep on adding themselves to them. With noble intentions they will be renowned throughout the world. They can acquire great position in politics and arts.


Various important name numbers

Name number 5

Any person having his name that sums up to number 5 will have fame and popularity. He will be full of confidence and determination. He will have great wealth. He will be innovative.

Name number 14

These people have magnetic communication through writing, publishing and media related matters. They will excel in fields of business and manufacturing industry. They will always be traveling. They will struggle while young and will become successful later on in life.

Name number 23

This number promises success in personal and career endeavours. It guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It is a fortunate number and greatly blesses with abundant grace. These persons can work out revolutions in politics. They will succeed in the field of arts.

Name number 32

Persons having name on this number enjoy mass support. They are wonderful creators. They have magnetic speech. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibly to his or her own opinions. They will become successful if they listen to their own conscience. They will meet failure if they listen to the words of others.

Name number 41

They have sharp intelligence. They have the ability to exert authority over people. They will achieve great fame and success in competitions. Great offices will seek them and they will live a prosperous life with an un diminishing fame. They will excel in sciences and arts. They can easily adept in meditation, yoga and hypnotism.

1,5,6 and 9 add-ups as name numbers

Here before starting I give a number of people whose name number is lucky and sums up to 1, 19, 37, 46, 55, and 82 will have high positions in the society. They will be powerful, popular and such people can make history.

People whose name sums up to 23, 41, 59 have attractive nature. They will entice people in general can be people in authority like ministers. Persons having these name numbers can achieve great heights in profession, business and politics.

People having name numbers like 15,24,33,42 will have not only power of position, the comfort of wealth and success in any endeavour.

Persons whose name numbers sums up to 27, 45, and 72 will have greater positions, fame in public life, positions of powers and all pleasures.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


In Indian Numerology, every name has a number !

The numbers assigned to the letters of the alphabet are

A I J Q Y= 1
B K R = 2
C G L S =3
D M T = 4
E H N X =5
U V W = 6
O Z = 7
F P = 8.

 No letter has been assigned the number nine.

Suppose a man's name is ABCDEFG, his name number will be

1+2+3+4+5+8+3 = 26 = 2+6 = 8

His individual Name number is 8

& Integral Name Number is 26 !

Here we give the effects for different Integral Name Numbers

Integral Name Number = 10

You will have good self-control and will be brimming with self-confidence. You will be highly disciplined. You will have immense fame and comforts. You will be above want and free from many a worry. You will have a contented life, according to Numerology Forecast.

Integral Name Number = 19

You will lead a pure life. You will look younger than what you are. You will be highly enthusiastic even in old age.
You will have a happy marital life. Mental purity will take you to

ultimate victory.

Integral Name Number = 28

Your life will be meteoric. But you may lose all

in the latter part of life. The money which you give will not be

returned to you. You will have to face many obstacles & hindrances

in the journey of life. 28 is an unfortunate number.

Integral Name Number = 37

This is considered a fortunate number. Even though

your birth is in obscurity you will rise to dizzy heights. You will

be successful in love. Your life will be marked by enjoyment & all

sorts of comforts. Your appearance will be attractive and gait will

be elegant. You will have fame and love for arts. But this number

has a drawback even if they are rich in the first half of life they

will have to face penury in the latter half.

Integral Name Number = 46

This is a number which can take you to the top.

As time progresses & age takes its toll your fame and wealth also

increases. You will be involved in governmental service. You will

be purehearted & highly disciplined. You will have professional

enhancement as your skill brings you high reputation.

Integral Name Number = 55

This number indicates courage. You will have intllectual wealth. Your ideas are innovative and creative and which are not known to others. If you cannot implement those innovative ideas and skills you will have problems with the mind. This is a number which is involved in creation & destruction.

Integral Name Number = 64

You are basically an altruist. You will have a lot

of friends. Enemies increase.You will have a high ranking job. You

will be very clever & intelligent.Your expertise & gift of the gab

or the divine gift of articulate speech will stun everybody.

Integral Name Number = 73

You will have uncommon mental strength. You will

rise slowly and steadily and will become a rich man with immense .

effort. You will be able to achieve your objectives without anyone

knowing about it. You will earn laurels from the government.If you

lose your credibility you will fall into the abyss of destruction.

Integral Name Number = 82

This is a number which can take you to the top.

This is the number which requires maximum obedience from others.

You will be blessed with firm determination. Your looks will have

tremendous attractive power. Love affairs can put you in trouble.

Integral Name Number = 91

You will lead a noble life. With yogic techniques

&self control you will increase health. You will indulge in export

business. You will have the discriminative intellect in whatever

activity you indulge in, as per Numerology Readings.

Integral Name Number = 100

Your activities will not fail. You will have imm-

ense wealth. You will lead a peaceful life.Your life will not be

tormented by crises.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Name Number 37

Name Number 37 Name Numerology sings the glory of Name Number 37 as Very Lucky.

It gives the forward push and earns you Name and Fame. It elevates you to great heights, from a very ordinary status.

As per Numerology, Name No. 37 is ruled by No. 3 and 7. It means you are ruled by Jupiter and Kethu.

As the Guru of Devas, Jupiter has Divine Powers. Kethu represents high states of knowledge and Dispassion.


Special Charms

As per name numerology, this combination bestows on you special charms. You entice people and make them love you. Others look at you with admiration and love. This makes you to easily succeed in your love affairs.

Numerology of Name Number 37 gifts you with special powers. It charms you so much that, status is no bar for your love affairs. You are loved by those, who are above your status. Both men and women like you.


Spontaneous Help

Name Numerology for name number is 37 indicates, that as a man, you will get help from women. As a woman, you will get assistance from men. Your friends will come forward to help you. They will help you in your business.

Numerology for 37 makes others to enrich your business by pumping in funds and more capital. Number 37, bestows luck in financial matters. You earn money in many ways. You will be interested in, music and dance.


Exceptional Sills

Name Numerology for 37 gives you a lovable personality, and charming manners. You will possess exceptional skills to convince others. It makes others not only to fall in love with you. They also enrich your business.



Numerology for No. 37 cautions you to be alert in your sex. When you have a high status, a careless love affair, or scandal can tarnish your image, and cause your downfall. You surely need to have contentment.

Name Numerology for 37 cautions you not to be greedy. No. Only others have to envy you. Your Name Number 37 has already blessed you with many advantages. If you become greedy, you will only invite troubles.


3 & 7 Afflicted

And 37 as name number, may not suit your Day Number and Life number. Numerology for 37 warns that 3 or 7 can be afflicted by inimical numbers 6, 8, or 7. If afflicted, it only causes sorrows, miseries, and misfortunes.

Name Numerology for 7 can force you not to enjoy your fortunes. You may gift them to some one, and lose every thing. You may renounce life. You have to protect yourself against all these drawbacks, with a perfect name.