Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gems Stones

Ruby :

If you are born in the stars – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttrashada – which are ruled by Sun you have to wear this stone.

It is red in colour. As symbol of health and vitality, it has special curative powers for blood diseases, cleansing the liver and blood. It acts against psychic attacks and loss or damage to property. It helps to promote disinterested love, perfectly acting on the unconscious level for loving communication. It promotes the functions of nerves and muscles, helps in diminishing stress and rids off stomach acidity.


If you are born in the stars – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttrashada – which are ruled by Sun you have to wear this stone.

It is red in colour. As symbol of health and vitality, it has special curative powers for blood diseases, cleansing the liver and blood. It acts against psychic attacks and loss or damage to property. It helps to promote disinterested love, perfectly acting on the unconscious level for loving communication. It promotes the functions of nerves and muscles, helps in diminishing stress and rids off stomach acidity.

Yellow Sapphire:

If you are born in the stars – Punarvasu, Visakha, Purvashada – which are ruled by Jupiter you have to wear this stone.

It is yellow in colour. It gives balanced mindset, balances and maintains harmony between inner and outer input, manages and executes complex systems and enlivens activity in the brain while guiding action. It gives knowledge and organizing power. It is good for controlling the malefic influence of Mars where ailments of the liver are concerned. It is very helpful in pregnancy or childbirth. It gives business or financial stability. It also makes you spiritually aware.

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